Our Services
Expert consulting services tailored to your particular needs, providing strategic solutions and actionable insights. Enhance performance and drive success with our seasoned professionals guiding your financial portfolio into a prosperous future.
Tax-Free Instruments
It used to be that people stayed at one or two jobs for their entire working career. Loyalty mattered and it worked both ways. 401k’s were meant to supplement retirement pensions, but currently pensions are rare and the average person has 12-15 jobs in their lifetime.
Taxes will only go up. Expenses will likely go up as well. The 401k is the only thing we as consumers buy that we have no idea what we will end up paying for taxes on our hard earned money when the time cones.
It is crucial that we educate you on tax-free instruments and how they can work to your advantage. Or for example, would you prefer to give the IRS almost $200,000 for taxes on an original balance of $500,000 in a 401, leaving you $300,000? Does that seem adequate or fair?
Retirement Analysis
There is no debate that we are living longer. And if you are a woman, you will probably outlive your spouse if he is a male. Chances are, you might be taking care of parents at the same time you are caring for children.
Can you actually plan for the unforeseen? Can you retire without sacrificing your current standard of living? Can you even have more to live off when you retire even though expenses will surely continue to rise? And what can you do if you feel like you got a bit of a late start?
We can help you answer all of these questions and more while setting you up for financial success today, tomorrow, and for as long as you shall live.
What about after you are gone? Can you take the burden off of those that will be left behind by making decisions for yourself now?
Wills, Trusts, & Long-Term Care
We are conditioned to fear getting older so we try to ignore it as long as we can. But here is the truth: We all want to grow older. We want to live as long as we can but we want to live independently and be able to do so on our own terms.
Unfortunately, that requires some legalities. It isn’t enough to write things down on a piece of scratch paper. It isn’t kind to allow our family members guess or doubt what we want when and if we can’t make decisions for ourselves.
We have to be able to control our money even from the grave. No, we can’t take it with us, but we can ensure that what our final wishes are are executed with respect, clarity and dignity.
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