Who we are

We have been servicing clients for over thirty years. We are different in many ways and we have to be. The financial industry is widely misunderstood and not very trusted. Plus, it makes us look at a time down the road where we would prefer to go (rather than the alternative) yet, we have been conditioned to fear growing older. So, we put off planning for it, because planning for it would mean we have to imagine it.

Therefore, since we are different, we work with strategies and instruments that offer guarantees, regardless of the uncertainty or volatility of the market. We do not charge management fees. We listen to the wants, needs and dreams of our clients and provide solutions that work best for them…not us. When we work together you won’t care if we are related to Bernie Madoff (we aren’t) because we never actually touch your money and we only work with companies that have decades of fiduciary history.

And although we help individuals, families, and small businesses, we possess a unique passion to help women. Women have been left out of the financial conversation for a long time. After all, women weren’t even allowed to have their own credit card until 1974. We recognize that a woman’s financial needs might be different, but even if they aren’t, they should be respected and valued.

Get in touch today to discuss how our expert consultants can provide tailored solutions to drive your financial security forward. Even if you have a financial advisor currently, it is never a waste of time to get another opinion.

Contact us

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